How A Counselor Became Effective At Counseling People


As a marriage and family counselor, I had come across many clients with domestic issues in all my years.

For instance, there was a 26-year-old woman who resented her father for leaving the family when she was still young. She carried that feeling even when she was already an adult and could not find it in her heart to forgive her father when he returned and asked for forgiveness. Although the situation hardened her heart, it was evident that a part of that woman wanted to forgive the older man because she could not stop thinking about him. Hence, I advised her to think about burying the proverbial hatchet and moving towards reconciliation.

A young couple also asked for an appointment with me one day. They were barely adults, but they lived together right outside of their college campus without their parents’ knowledge. The woman was already pregnant, and they wanted to let their families know about their decision to get married. However, they were afraid of the backlash that their big revelation would result in. I had to remind them that their loved ones had a reason for getting angry (if they would get angry), so the couple would have to accept the consequences of what they did.


Then, another college student feared disappointing her parents to the extent that she was taking up a degree that she had no interest in. Because she was so bright, she could easily pass her subjects, but she was also miserable and wanted to quit studying altogether. Before that could happen, I encouraged her to be upfront with her parents regarding her feelings, especially when it came to studies. I helped the girl believe that most parents could only be a little pushy initially, but they would support what you want once they see that you are no longer happy.

Each of those clients returned to me at least a couple of months later. It was not to ask for their money back but to thank me for helping them renew their relationship with their loved ones. And each time, their question was:

How Did You Get So Good At Your Job?


The answer to this question does not entirely have something to do with my profession, frankly speaking. I got trained to handle various situations and assist people in overcoming mental and emotional turmoil – that’s a fact. However, what made me ideal for a counseling job was that I experienced many family issues back then and could relate to the ordeals that my clients dealt with before seeking counseling.

You see, I was not the most excellent kid to my parents. I always said they deserved a monument erected for them because they never gave up on me even when I rebelled earlier than everyone once my father ditched us for his mistress. I hated him for being weak; I also hated my mother for pushing him away. So to spite my parents, I decided to hang out with the low-life kids in my high school and paraded them in our house to see my mother fume in anger.

Things only changed when my father had a stroke, and we all thought he would not make it. I cried so hard when I visited him at the hospital and prayed for him to heal so that we could patch things up. I also apologized to my mother profusely for how much she had to put up with when acting up as a kid.


When my parents decided to get back together after that, I was already nearing my first anniversary as a counselor. To mark the event, I bought a new house for my mom and dad. However, I could still not help but cry every time I remembered how shocked they were when they stepped into the house and learned that it was already in their name. From then on, they would only have to tell me something they wanted once, and I would give it to them as soon as possible.


Once I reconciled with my parents and learned to do what I used to preach (to forgive and forget), I became a better counselor. Aside from understanding my clients more, I managed to explain their loved ones’ possible reactions to their revelations and help them see that letting the truth prevail is always the best.

From my little anecdote above, I talked about giving a house to my parents, but I am not saying that properties and money are the only things that will make your parents happy. It is nothing but a sweet bonus, and they can do without it, especially if they have work and ample savings. However, being on excellent terms with their kids and knowing that you respect each other can do wonders for their relationship.


The Beauty Of Making Parents Happy According To Counselors

Whenever my family and I would gather, people would say that I was the poster child for my parents’ perfect child. My mom and dad would agree with that and talk about what I have done for them, which often caused people to go, “Aww, I wish my kid is half as good as yours!”

I would laugh and tell everyone that I was as saint-like as my parents wanted them to believe. The truth was that it was more of an acquired trait than an inborn trait. I was not awful – I didn’t do drugs or get pregnant early – but I also did not care much for my parents. I was a typical teenager who favored other kids than their families.


However, my disposition towards my parents changed when I saw that my father’s sneakers were so worn out that almost half of their soles were gone. When he saw me about to throw them out, he snatched them away from me and said that he could still fix them. I was like, “There’s no way my parents will live in hardships again – not while I’m still a licensed counselor.”

Now, let me talk to you about the beauty of making parents happy.

You Introduce Yourself In A Different Light

 I noticed that most parents tend to treat their kids the same way even when they’re already adults if the adult child continues to act like a kid. This is especially noticeable if the child continues living with the parents even in their 20s or 30s. The parents feel like their kids still need taking care of, so they don’t see them as adults.


However, the approach is different towards the children who strive to give their parents everything they need and more. It’s like the child indirectly telling the parents, “Hey, I’m an adult now. Aside from being able to look after me, I can do the same thing to you.”

The first time I bought something for my parents, they were hesitant to accept it because they thought my income was not enough for me. But when I continued to give back to them every month, they finally realized that they already had a defendable adult child.

You See Fewer Worry Lines On Parents’ Faces

I could vividly remember when my parents would always worry about their salaries no being able to get through half of the month because of our bills. Sometimes, it would cause them to shout at each other and look older than they really were.


When my parents retired, it seemed like they were aging backward appearance-wise. The reason was that I told them not to think about money anymore. Instead, I would give them an allowance every month aside from doing all the shopping for them. They protested about it the first few times, but they managed to accept my gifts eventually and looked happier than ever.

You Get Good Karma

I had a childhood friend who used to talk about karma being able to kick your butt if you did something awful to others, especially to your parents. It – karma – would not also be kind to you if you did nothing. Hence, that friend would always push us to do something nice to everyone, even if we would laugh about it.

I learned that my friend was not far from the truth when I started giving everything that my parents wanted and more. For instance, even if they had the money to pay their bills or buy necessities, I would give them quarterly bonuses, which meant I would take them shopping and let them buy whatever at the department store. Of course, that trip would cost me a significant amount of money, but then soon after that, I would get more blessings in the form of more clients recommending me to others.


I did not notice it at first until the same friend pointed it out to me. She said, “Have you realized that you have been more blessed in your career ever since you became more generous to your parents? It must have been much better now than when you were only spending the money on yourself.” Well, I could not find a scientific explanation for that, but that made sense, and it’s really what’s happening.


Final Thoughts

The beauty of making parents happy is that you can see the faces of the two individuals who cared for you for years light up in joy whenever you do something unique for them – specifically if you do it without prompting. So many senior individuals I met at the homes I visited in the past had been lonely and unhappy because their kids no longer cared for them, and I did not want my mom and dad to experience that.

Say, how’s your relationship with your parents? You don’t need to lavish them with material things if you don’t have the means – just making sure that you are not a burden to them is enough more often than not.


Common Questions About Older Adult’s Depressive Condition

My grandmother was the bubbliest person I had ever known despite her aging. She lived in the same house in Florida with my grandfather for five decades and never wanted to move to another neighborhood. She even said, “Even when we cannot walk anymore, you can just send nurses here to take care of us, but we are not leaving this house.”

Unfortunately, my grandfather passed away two years ago. It felt sudden for all of us, considering no one knew about his cardiovascular disease except for him. Even my grandmother was unaware of it. She told us that Gramps had many medications, and she never heard him complain about chest pains, so she never suspected anything as serious as heart disease. Then, when his cardiologist went to his wake, he informed us that my grandfather had been dealing with his symptoms for three years already. He could have lived longer by getting an angioplasty, but he signed a form that practically stated that he should no longer be revived if things got worse. 

We all honored Gramps’ wishes, but my grandmother felt bitter about it. She could not believe that he lied to her about something that graves – and brought the lie to his grave. “It’s as if I never knew him at all,” she said one day.

An older couple who are outside for a yoga.

Of course, we knew that my grandmother did not mean that. However, we could not tell her what to feel because it must sting to know that you had been lied to by your soulmate. We did not account that my grandmother became depressed after that, and her body weakened. We only learned about it after she got hospitalized, and her doctor mentioned his concerns about my grandmother not wanting to live anymore.

Prevalence Of Depression Among Older Adults

With regards to old age and mental health, depression is a common mental health disorder among older persons or adults, with a prevalence rate that increases with age. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that around 7% of adults over the age of 60 suffer from severe depression worldwide. Depression in older adults can strike without warning, and the symptoms of depression can go unnoticed for a long time.

In the United States, the prevalence rate of depression among older adults is estimated to be around 6.7%. However, this number may be an underestimation due to the reluctance of many older adults to seek help for mental health issues. Many older people ignore the risk factors, and don’t usually seek treatment.

Depression is a mood disorder more common in older adults who have other chronic medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. Additionally, depression is more prevalent in older adults who have experienced significant healthy lifestyle changes, such as retirement, loss of a spouse, or physical symptoms of disability.

Check The Warning Signs

It is important to note that depression is not a normal part of aging, and older adults should not accept it as an inevitable consequence of growing older. With appropriate treatment and emotional support, older adults with depression can experience significant improvements in their warning signs or symptoms of depression or mental health and overall quality of life. Combating depression in older people requires better public health care and more awareness of information about mental health conditions — such as bipolar disorder.

Challenges In Treating Depression In Older Adults

Treating depression in older adults can be challenging to person’s ability due to several factors:

  1. The stigma around mental health: There is a persistent stigma around mental health issues in older adults, which can prevent them from seeking help. Many older adults may feel embarrassed or ashamed to admit that they have been struggling with depression for at least two weeks.
  2. Limited access to mental health services: Older adults, particularly those living in rural areas, may have limited access to mental health services and information. There may be a shortage of mental health professionals in their area, and they may face challenges accessing transportation to attend appointments.
  3. Co-occurring medical conditions and medications: Older adults often have multiple chronic medical conditions, which can complicate the treatment of depression. Certain medications are used to treat depression, and these conditions can also interfere with the effectiveness of the antidepressant medications.
  4. Unique challenges in therapy: Older adults may have cognitive or physical problems and limitations that can make it difficult to participate in traditional talk therapy. Cognitive decline, hearing loss, digestive problems, and mobility issues can all be barriers to effective therapy for depression.
  5. Resistance to treatment: Older adults may be resistant to treatment, particularly if they have lived with depression for a long time. They may feel that their depression symptoms for more than two weeks are a normal part of aging, or they may be skeptical of the effectiveness of treatment.

Despite these challenges, it is important to prioritize the mental health of older adults and to provide appropriate support and treatment for depression. Depression can be difficult to detect, so healthcare providers should be aware of the unique needs of older adults and tailor treatment plans to meet those needs. Additionally, community resources and support networks can play a valuable role in helping older adults manage depression and provide better health care.

Prevention Of Depression In Older Adults

Preventing depression in older adults involves strategies to promote good physical and mental health. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep can all help to prevent depression. Social support groups and community involvement can also be beneficial, as they provide opportunities for social connection and engagement.

Preventing social isolation and loneliness is particularly important, as these are risk factors for depression in older adults. Volunteering, participating in hobbies and interests, and joining clubs or organizations can all help older adults to stay connected and engaged. Finally, older adults need to seek mental health professional help if they are struggling with depression or other mental health issues. Early intervention can lead to better outcomes, and healthcare providers can provide support and guidance to prevent the development of more serious mental health issues.

What Is The Most Common Cause Of Depression In Older Adults?

There are several reasons why many older adults experience depression as they age. One of these reasons could be isolation, where they live alone without their family members’ support and love. Another reason could be their health conditions. What they are feeling, especially when it becomes terminal, can cause them to feel lonely and experience a depressed mood, as anyone would. Of course, a reduced sense of purpose can also cause depression as their movements are now limited, making them feel that there is nothing left for them to do.

Is There An Age Limit For Depression?

There is no age limit for depression. No matter how old you are, there is a risk for depression. However, depression may look different for different age groups. The mental illness symptoms can differ between a ten-year-old with depression and a seventy-year-old with depression. But then again, there is no age limit for this. Anyone can be at higher risk.

What Percent Of The Older Population Suffers From Clinical Depression?

The estimated number of old people who suffer from clinical depression is low to five percent. However, this may rise to 13.5 percent for those who now require healthcare at home and 11.5 percent for those older patients who are in the hospital due to their physical illnesses. It is good to note that this number is relatively low, meaning a bigger portion of the population of older people live happy lives.

What Is The Best Antidepressant For The Old?

It is always best to consult before taking any medications to avoid any clashes between the antidepressants and the possible drugs that older people are taking. This will ensure that you protect your loved ones from even more issues. Three SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) are considered reasonably safe for older people to use due to their profile. These are Citalopram, Escitalopram, and Sertraline.

What Is Considered Old Age For A Woman?

There is a study that divides being “old” into three categories. The first category is younger people-old people, where the age group is around 60 to 69 years old. Another class is Middle-aged, where the people in this category are aged 70 to 79. Lastly, some very old people are 80 years old and above. Other studies have different subgroups, which will depend on who you want to base your grouping on. 


How Can I Help My Elderly Loneliness?

There are different ways that you can help with depression for older people. Here is a quick rundown for these ways, you can help give them a sense of purpose, and you can encourage social interactions through physical activities and maybe trusting them with a chore or two. Of course, you should always make depressed people feel loved and supported, but if you feel that this is not enough, consult with a doctor to get the necessary help.

Who Is At Greatest Risk For Depression?

A number of different factors can determine whether a person is at high risk for depression, such as genetics, loss of a loved one, abuse and trauma, illnesses, alcohol or substance abuse, isolation, and more. People who have been through – or are going through – these factors are the most at risk for developing depression. So, keep an eye on those you love. Consult a doctor if needed, especially if it’s an older people with depression.

What Race Is Most Affected?

African Americans and Hispanics are the most affected by depression. The study concluded that those in the minority are more at risk and are more affected by depression than Caucasians or whites. Although more recent studies have shown that there is no specific race that is most affected or most at risk. 

Which Age Group Has The Highest Rate Of Depression?

In 2019, it was recorded that major depression was most common in adults aged 18 to 25 years old. They comprised 13.1% of the statistic, and to break this number down, it was most common among adult females at 8.7% than the adult males who stood at 5.3% of the statistic. In the United States alone, depression among adults is represented by 7.1%. 


Final Thoughts

Despite my grandmother’s objections, we brought her to a nursing home. It was not because no one wanted to take care of her – it was more because we knew that she would do better around people her age. In the nursing home that we chose, they had many seniors’ activities, including some sports. The gloomy grandmother we left there that day became bubbly again after two months.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Depression A Problem For Older People?

What Is A Key Symptom Of Depression In Older Adults?

What Is Depression In Older Adults Called?

What Are Some Reasons For Depression In Older People?

Which Age Are People More Depressed?

Frequently Asked Questions About Encoding Thoughts

I am proud to say that no one died of cancer or diabetes in my family. Starting from my great-great-great-grandparents, they had taught everyone the value of eating healthily, no matter how tempting McDonald’s burgers could be. There were no strict diets whatsoever, but they emphasized that whatever we put in our body would reflect our lifespan in the future. They even encouraged us to exercise as soon as we could follow simple instructions and play as many sports as possible. 

If there was one sad aspect of my heritage, it was the fact that many of my ancestors showed signs of Alzheimer’s disease once they hit 60 years old.

Alzheimer’s In The Family

According to my mother, I was still a baby when Grandma – her mother – got diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. It all began with Grandma losing small things in obvious places. For instance, she would ask people if they saw her eyeglasses, even though they hung on her collar. Sometimes, she would forget where the spare house key was, although Grandma had been hiding that key under a lawn rock before Mom was even born.

Despite all those, I was not too affected by Grandma’s Alzheimer’s. Did I wish that she was as energetic as the other grandmothers who did tai chi at the park? Yes, sure. However, I had never known her to remember everything, so it was not too big of a deal to me.

Nonetheless, the most deeply upset me was the Alzheimer’s diagnosis of Aunt Tilly, my mother’s eldest sister. 

Remembering Aunt Tilly

Aunt Tilly lived a couple of houses away from ours for as long as I could remember. Since I was an only child, I practically spent plenty of time at her place so that I could play with her kids. 

Aunt Tilly was known as a conventional mother in the suburbs. Every day, she would not leave her bedroom without lipstick or some matching jewelry on. She was always baking and cooking, too, ready to host guests, no matter how unexpected they were. I also loved the fact that Aunt Tilly treated me like her daughter, to the extent that I would get all kinds of toys and clothes that her real kids would have.

My closeness with Aunt Tilly and her family continued even when I was growing up. She cried almost as much as my mother when I left the suburbs after high school. I had to do that because the community college did not have the finance program I wanted to get into. Still, we communicated over the phone as often as possible.

Then, one day, Kara – my aunt’s eldest daughter – texted me that she was taking Aunt Tilly to the doctor. I called her at once, and that’s when I found out that the family worried that she might have Alzheimer’s disease.

“Are we sure about that?” I asked.

“We both know how Grandma reacted when she was still alive. Mom had milder symptoms than her, but I want to consult a doctor anyway to keep the disease from progressing too fast,” Kara replied.

“But Aunt Tilly just turned 50…” 

Kara sighed on the other line. “I know. It’s a stressful day. Even I do not want to think of its possibility, but prevention or early detection is better than cure,” she said. 

As it turned out, Aunt Tilly actually showed signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Kara and the rest of the family had to monitor her condition, although they were supposed to do that discreetly. 

What about me, you might ask? I started learning about memories and how they could be encoded in the brain.


What is encoding memory in psychology? 

In psychology, when you are encoding memory, you store information in your memory databank in any way possible. This way, it is easy to retrieve the said information anytime you need it.

How is memory encoded in the brain? 

The first thing that happens is perception. You need to focus on what you want to store in your memory system, organize your thoughts around it, and understand what sensory organ you have used to perceive the information. After all, the senses will transmit the signals to the brain so that you’ll find it effortless to connect what you’re seeing, feeling, tasting, or hearing to your emotions and turn it into an experience. That’s only when your hippocampus determines how long you should remember it.

Is memory psychological? 

Memory is technically not a psychological process – the brain naturally can encode, store, and retrieve information. However, since cognitive psychologists have shown great interest in memory, it has been a part of psychology for decades. Specialists study things like how fast a person can remember something, what senses work when it happens, how long they can hold on to it, etc.

What are the three processes of memory retrieval? 

Let’s say that someone is playing a card-matching game. The host has opened every card in front of the player before turning everything face down. Now, there are three processes that the person can try to retrieve information.

  • Free Recall: It pertains to remembering things without any order. Given the example above, the individual may start opening the cards randomly and use the most recent data to win the game.
  • Serial Recall: It refers to memory retrieval in a chronological sense. The player in the scenario may open the cards one by one, starting from the top left to the right or any direction they want to go. Then, they will remember the first matches that they see.
  • Cued Recall: It involves a person giving cues to another that will allow them to relate the said cues to the information they have forgotten. For instance, the host may mention the object or number in one of the cards, and the player will recall where they have seen it.

What are the 4 types of memory? 

  • Sensory: It refers to a memory that you only recall within three seconds or less after experiencing a sensation. Say, if you touch a hot cauldron and pull your finger back, you tend to remember how hot it is in that short amount of time.
  • Short-Term: It entails that you can recall a memory from less than a minute to a few days, depending on how often someone reminds them of it.
  • Working: It is technically similar to short-term memory, although working memory is only applicable to information that you remember when you need it.
  • Long-Term: This type of memory is something you keep in your mind for decades.

How do I improve my memory? 

The first thing you can do is stimulate your brain. Any activity that will challenge you to think hard and learn new information will suffice. Of course, it should also allow you to get a sense of accomplishment in the end so that you will want to keep on improving your memory.

You need to exercise physically to boost your memory, too. The increase in your brain’s oxygen level and the decrease in stress levels are essential to reminding you of things longer and better than others.

Getting as much sleep as possible is also an essential memory-sharpening activity. Sleep deprivation makes it practically impossible for people to recall a long-term memory over time. It may affect their cognitive function or work performance.

Furthermore, your memory may improve when you make friends and laugh all the time. Both activities will be good for your happy hormones and prevent the brain from producing too many stress hormones.

How can I recall my memory? 

One of the most significant issues with memory retrieval is lack of focus. From the moment you perceive something, you need to pour your attention into it. It will be effortless for you to recall your experience in the future, considering you have the full picture in your head instead of glimpses of the memory.


If you also want to remember a lesson, theory, or application for a long time, you must learn about it way before you need to start using the information. This is why teachers discourage students from only studying a day or two before the exam. When you cram, your brain has no time to digest the data and transfer it to your long-term memory – or at least the working memory.

Another thing you can do is use mnemonic devices for memory recollection. Meaning, you associate an idea or event to your mood or environment or other information that you already know. You may even let your imagination run wild and turn the situation into a song, haiku, etc.

Again, try to sleep on it. You may be unable to recall a memory if your brain is filled with stressful thoughts, after all. Sleeping can stabilize everything; when you wake up, the idea may just come to you quickly.

Why do we forget? 

The reason we forget is connected to how we have encoded and stored information in our memory databank. As mentioned above, the typical process involves perceiving, understanding, and using your senses to form an experience. Then, signals get transmitted to various parts of the brain so that it becomes a memory. Things also go through different types of memory before it turns into a long-term one. If you skip any of those steps, you may end up forgetting a lot.

How can I increase my brain to 100? 

The quickest way to increase your brainpower up to 100 is to try a new activity. The truth is, your memory does not bode well when you stop challenging yourself to learn something new. Following a routine may seem reasonable at first, too, but the lack of change may keep your mind stale. To avoid that, you may pick up a new hobby, see a scenario in a different light, or use another transportation mode.

You may also tap into your inner child and let curiosity get the better of you sometimes. Kids can absorb information faster than any adult because they do not have preconceived notions about things. If you can forgo the things you know about something and listen to how others handle them, it will make you think and want to try their ways. Your brain inevitably works then, and the gears will start running optimally.


How can I exercise my brain? 

You can exercise your brain by willing yourself to memorize every unique word, location, or date you encounter. You may write them down for future reference, but it will be ideal to commit the information to your memory bank.

Reading is another way to exercise your brain. When you read, you have no choice but to analyze the texts; if it’s fiction, your emotions may add to it for a full experience. Then, you can remember things effortlessly.

Why do I have a hard time remembering things? 

When you find it challenging to remember things, it is not always because you have Alzheimer’s, dementia, or other neurological diseases. That is especially true if you are decades away from being a senior citizen who typically deals with such illnesses. A probable reason is that you are overly stressed, dehydrated, or infected with another condition. Your memory can also be affected if you are heavily medicated, anxious, depressed, eating poorly, or addicted to substances.

Are Forgotten memories still in your brain? 

There is an ongoing debate surrounding the answer to this question. Some experts claim that the brain has been programmed to forget things that you don’t always think about to make room for new information. You may see it as Google Drive’s automatic shredding of files that you have already put in the trash after some time.

Meanwhile, others say that the forgotten memories remain in your brain, although it’s almost impossible for you to retrieve them. You can think of the mind in this sense like the internet – you may remove the data from your account, but it is not lost forever.

What are some memory techniques? 

The most famous way to boost your memory is perhaps the Loci technique. It has been around for more than 2,500 years – the only thing you need to do is think of a word and associate it with a place or image. For instance, if someone mentions’ house,’ your residence may appear in your mind, complete with the address. Similarly, if you talk about chemical bonding, you may think of the atoms as lovers in a drama who can’t make up their minds. The things you associate an idea with do not need to make sense to others, especially if you only want to recall them somehow.

It is also ideal to group things based on the categories you have decided on. For example, when you are moving out of the house and remember where things go, you may recall what items are in every room. Think of what they look like as well so that it’ll be easy to memorize their locations.

Repeating the thought in your head works, too. Sometimes, no matter how many other techniques you try, you cannot remember anything if you don’t think about it all the time.

What is vitamin best for the brain? 

Omega-3 may be the best vitamin for the brain. It usually comes from fish and is advertised to be good for the heart, but it is also ideal for your mind.

Final Thoughts

Aunt Tilly’s diagnosis served as a wake-up call for the entire family. It made us all see that our memories – like our lives – were on borrowed time. Given the history of Alzheimer’s disease in our heritage, any of us could end up with the same condition five, 15, or 30 years from now. Once that happens, we can do nothing but accept it and pray that the symptoms will not aggravate too fast.

Nevertheless, accepting Alzheimer’s disease does not entail that you should wait to get diagnosed with it. I personally believe in willpower – if you push yourself to make magic happen, it will happen. When you couple that with discipline, your brain cells may not die too quickly. Hence, you must work hard to sharpen your memory and encode thoughts properly.

Mental Health And Old Age


I spent my elementary years under the care of my grandparents most of the time because my parents – who were both in the Army – got deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan almost simultaneously. I remembered clinging on to my mother’s leg at the airport, feeling so sad about their departure. But Mom said, “Your father and I are doing this to make sure that you have a safe future, baby. Besides, we will FaceTime every day, so you won’t miss us so muchGrandpa and Grandma will also be there to play with you all the time.”

In the first couple of days after my parents’ deployment, my grandparents allowed me to mope around. They did not force me to talk or eat with them; they even brought food in my room and let me process my emotions independently. I believe it played a pivotal role in my ability to cope whenever my parents’ vacation leave ended, and they had to return to their stations overseas. 

On the third day, though, Grandpa went to my room. He said, “Come one, sugar bear, let’s go to the park. My friend Carl is already with his granddaughters, and they are waiting to play with you.”


I wanted to say no, but I had always liked Grandpa’s friend. He was funny and jolly and full of stories about the olden age days, just like my real grandfather. Besides, I felt excited to see his granddaughters, Brittany and Ellie, with whom I often played for as long as I could recall. With the three of them in sight, there would be no dull moment.

Our playdates became a weekly thing for years. Sometimes, we would stay all day long at the park, running and jumping around like monkeys. Other times, we would visit each other’s houses and have slumber parties. But what I honestly looked forward to every month was the Jerry and Karl show that our grandpas prepared just for us.

Grandparents In Action At Old Age

Jerry and Karl show was a concept that the two grandfathers made up to entertain their grandchildren. It was always a hit because they could sing, dance, act, and even play musical instruments. 


I knew even at a young age how challenging it must be because they never repeated the same performance twice. When I voiced out my concern to Grandpa, he said, “It’s okay, sugar bear. Karl and I are natural performers; we used to be in a band in our mid-20s, so this is how we relive the good, old days.” At that moment, I was in awe of my grandfather.

I used to think that most older people past the the age of 60 wanted to do nothing more than sitting in a rocking chair or walking slowly to their destination. Still, here were Grandpa and his best friend – they were well into their 70s, but it did not seem like older age changed anything and affect their physical health and mental health as well. 

If you worry about the mental health and old age needs of older adults, let’s all take a leaf out of Grandpa’s notes and do the following:

Try Different Activities Often

Every morning, Grandpa wakes me up at 6 A.M. so that we could jog around the community with Grandma. It’s a normal part of his health care routine.  It had to be that early because: a) some neighbors would stop us for a chat, and b) we needed to buy fresh foods at the local market. Meanwhile, the oldies would spend the afternoon knitting, gardening, reading, and making music which are all really good for the physical health and mental health.


Though I am far from being a mental or psychological expert, it is evident that the wide variety of activities has kept their brains from idling away and experiencing risk factors of health problems, which is really great for mental health, especially in the old age. Thus, nothing gets past my grandparents, and they could take care of themselves well. According to the World Health Organization, signs and symptoms of mental health problems or mental illness, such as depression and anxiety, occur when you are least expected, so might as well check with mental health professionals or seek mental health services.

Stay Around Loved Ones

Grandpa often credited taking care of me as the primary reason why he was still mentally stable and healthy during old age. He would say, “My granddaughter is clever; she can run circles around an old man like me if I do not remain sharp. If it was just my wife and me at home, we might have lost our marbles a long time ago.”

I did not want to believe that at first, but after a field trip at a nursing home, I realized that Grandpa might be correct. Many of the elderly folks I met had not seen their kids or grandkids for months or years, and their mental health deteriorated quicker than others. The chances of getting a mental health illness or series of mental health disorders are high, including depression, anxiety disorders, and other chronic health illnesses.


Live Each Day Without Regrets

Live each day without regrets” – this was a direct quote from Grandpa. He told me this when I went home, sad, and found out that it was because I did not get the role of Wendy in our school production of Peter Pan. After wiping my tears, he uttered, “There is no reason to be upset. What matters is that you tried to get the part. Hence, you wouldn’t have to wonder about what could’ve happened if you auditioned for it.”

Grandpa did not need to say that that’s the same principle he lived by. If the show was not testament enough, he went snorkeling with Dad one time and was the oldest person that the instructor saw doing it. He had also tried snowboarding, swimming with sharks, skydiving, and other extreme activities.

Old age and mental health should not be taken lightly. If we remember to do at least one of the things above, promoting mental health and dealing with a mental health problem may be the least of our worries when we grow to our old age. As research suggests, growing to old age is a normal part of life, and the world’s population is dealing with mental health issues too.

Mental Health And Old Age FAQs

How Does Old Age Affect Mental Health?

How Does Old Age Affect Good Mental Health?

What Is The Most Common Problem In Mental Health In Older Adults?

Why Is Mental Health Important In lderly?

Why is it important to treat the elderly as individuals?
Why is it important to take care of elderly parents?
Why is it important to take care of elderly parents?
What are the benefits of helping the elderly?
What is the importance of self-care and aging?
Why is it important to take care of yourself everyday?
Why is it important to focus on mental health care and health promotion everyday?
Why independence and self-care are important to older adults?
Why is it important to develop self-care skills?
Why is it important to take care of our own health and wellbeing?
What is the value of health in life?
Why is self-care important reflection?
What is the importance of self-care and self-compassion to the individual?
What is your understanding about managing and caring for the self?

Putting Health As A Priority In Trying Times




With the looming threat of economic crisis and the skyrocketing prices of goods and services, being stingy and critical of expenditure of money is the pragmatic way to go. The budget of a typical household is usually allotted for the essentials such as food, gas, electricity and health insurance. However, it may seem that your finances are staying afloat and working for you but wait until somebody gets sick. The budget and the money you saved will quickly go down the drain. This only proves the proverbial phrase, “Health is wealth.”

“It seems obvious that experiencing a depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day, would be required for someone to be diagnosed.” – Simon Rego, PsyD

Continue reading “Putting Health As A Priority In Trying Times”

Cardiovascular Diseases In Women

February is traditionally celebrated as the love or heart month; thus, the American Heart Association aptly considered this opportunity to raise awareness of the cardiovascular disease among women. Every year, the National Wear Red Day is celebrated all over the country as part of the strategy to make cardiovascular health as a priority. The numbers describing the seriousness of this condition is already enough to make you reconsider taking the steps towards optimum heart function.


Continue reading “Cardiovascular Diseases In Women”

Therapists Blame Gender Inequality For Women’s Poor Mental Health


Women are becoming more prone to depression, anxiety, grief, trauma, somatic complaints, and other mental health disorders than men, and that signalizes a severe public mental health problem.   Both healthcare and insurance system has overlooked the situation, and women are left trapped and are not aware that they are already exhibiting self-destructive behaviors.   



  Continue reading “Therapists Blame Gender Inequality For Women’s Poor Mental Health”

Essential Vitamins Needed by Women


As women grow old, the threat of developing health problems increases, especially during menopause. Heart problems are common during this stage due to a decreased level of estrogen that can significantly affect the function of the heart, which can lead to heart failure, the most common cause of death among women. Depleted estrogens level may also lead to low bone mineral density, osteopenia, and osteoporosis that may eventually increase the risk of fracture and injuries. The skin as well may undergo some changes such as dryness and floppy and wrinkled skin turgor due to decreased estrogens. These are just some of the physical changes that women have to face as they grow old. However, with a balanced diet and proper nutrition, women can be physically prepared as they age.  Taking vitamins through supplements or organic foods may also help women get rid of the health problems that they may encounter.

Continue reading “Essential Vitamins Needed by Women”

The Importance of Nutrition in Women


The old age debate on who is the strongest sex continues today. For men, their physique and stamina are their unwavering argument; while women resort to their ability to conceive and bring forth a human being into this world and other attributes serves as their firm stance. This can be valid, however, in the general population, women, and children are still considered as vulnerable groups, and they are the ones that are more prone to develop illnesses and with higher rates of mortality.

A word of caution before proceeding. This article is not to start another endless debate, rather point out the specific needs of women especially when it comes to nutritional aspects.

According to Jennifer Kromberg, PSYD, “Most people think emotional eating is due to a lack of self-control.”

Nutrition is the keystone of good health. With the physical and mental demands of being a woman, proper health teaching and encouraging women to take the lead concerning their nutritional health is very important. Any deficiency in protein, vitamins, minerals and caloric intake can result in a reduced health condition, both in the physical and psychological dimensions.

Malnutrition among women especially those in adolescent stage and who are at their childbearing age have been a social concern worldwide for several decades now. And this has weakened the ability of a woman for childbirth, increase susceptibility to infection processes, and development of chronic medical conditions. In the social part, the capacity to provide income and capability to look after their families can be compromised once sickness comes in.

“There is a definite connection between stress and our appetite. But the connection isn’t the same for everyone,” sayd Susan Albers, PsyD.

Addressing malnutrition will be of great help for empowering women and helping them to maximize their potentials. This will create a positive effect on the society as this will enable women to accomplish several roles in the community as a result of this helping to achieve socioeconomic development as well. Promoting and improving nutrition among women could also lead to the achievement of development goals which are markers of development progress in any country.

Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger


Women who are receiving the right amount of nutrition are well capable of having enough money for themselves, their children, and their families. For mothers, they are expected to have newborns with healthy birth weights and be spared from malnutrition.

Reducing child mortality

With the provision of proper and adequate nutrition to every woman, this will help the woman to become holistically prepared to bear a child, thus the incidence of low birth-weight babies, who are prone to die in infancy may be avoided. This will also result in having healthy newborns who can overcome any childhood illnesses.

Improved maternal health

Proper nutrition means having iron and other micronutrients adequately stored in the body, and this can result in less susceptible fatal infections and increase chances of surviving from bleeding during and after childbirth. Also, the succeeding post-partum stage is also a critical phase where the women breastfeed the infant, and she will need an adequate supply of healthy food substances.


A healthy population defines a healthy and prosperous country. The emphasis of giving importance to the group of women rather than men is because women are the primary caregiver and nurturer in any cultural setting. The ability of the woman to take care of the child and other members of the family are beyond what men can do if they can be the primary caregiver. No offense made on men, but wherever you go, women are still expected to provide holistic caring attitude by tending the children and managing a household. Thus, it is only proper that this particular attention presented to them.

TRIVIA: “Some people assume that if they are prescribed antidepressants they will need to take them for the rest of their lives.” – Jessica Koblenz, PsyD